Join us for GATHER 2024: We Gon’ Be Alright!, a celebration taking place on November 19 that will showcase our outgoing Artists-in-Residence and bring together our community of supporters, friends, and family!
Tickets: Donors who contributed $20+ to our People Powered campaign will receive further information if they have won tickets. For additional tickets, or if you missed out on our 10-day campaign, it is not too late! For every $20 you give, you will be entered into a raffle for a ticket to GATHER!
Donate today for a chance to roll with us!
Date: Tuesday, November 19
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Where: Xanadu Roller Arts | 262 Starr St, Brooklyn
Dress Code: Come cute with your throwback tracksuit! We’ll be digging through our closets for our juiciest athleisure coordinates, repping a legacy of street culture that was born in NYC. Get out those pristine kicks from your collection; there will be limited seating for the program, and you’ll want to be in comfortable shoes. Bling is optional.
Disclaimer: The LP program will close at 8 pm, after which all guests will be welcomed and encouraged to roller skate! Please note that the venue will be open to the public at that time, and all guests and patrons will be subject to fees, including for skate rental.
GATHER 2024 is made possible by our generous community of People-Powered donors.