We work with artists and communities who are working on projects that matter to them.
Current Projects
Artist Development

Create Change Fellowship
The Create Change Fellowship program is for artists and cultural producers who are interested in developing and deepening a collaborative, community-based, and socially-engaged creative practice.
2024 applications are now closed.

Create Change Residency
The Create Change Residency program supports the development of participatory and community-attuned creative projects by artists of color working within their communities.
2024 applications are now closed.

Bed-Stuy Residency
The Bed-Stuy Residency program supports the development of participatory and community-attuned creative projects by artists of color who live, work, or are otherwise invested in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn.
2024 applications are now closed.

Create Change Institute
Create Change Institute is a virtual, 2-day intensive version of The Laundromat Project’s 6-month Create Change Fellowship Program. This workshop trains participants in meaningful collaboration with communities on shared creative projects while addressing social issues and using a racial justice lens.
Create Change Institute (CCI) is for artists, activists, advocates, administrators, organizers, cultural workers, and change makers. We invite anyone interested in developing or deepening their collaborative, community centered, and culturally-based creative practices to participate. The curriculum will include practical tools as well as experiential skill building.
More details on Create Change Institute 2024 coming soon!
Artist Funding

Create & Connect
Launched in 2021, Create and Connect seeds and supports creative projects by cultural practitioners, community builders, organizers, and makers in our home of Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn.

Create & Re-Connect
Create & Reconnect (formerly Creative Action Fund (CAF)) is a micro-grant initiative to seed the ideas and civic actions of The LP Create Change alumni network. This fund is a critical part of our vision to make sustained investments in our growing artist network, now 180+ artists strong, by supporting their artmaking, leadership, and professional growth.

Create & Reflect
Starting in 2022, we will commission a Bed-Stuy based artist to install their artwork in the windows of our storefront on Fulton Street. We will commission two artists per year, and each commission will remain on view for 6 months.

LP in Collaboration
The LP maintains a practice of collaborating with peers in the community-engaged art field to create, commission, and support innovative artworks and projects that create change. Practicing an abundance framework, we value our communities’ and ecosystem’s collective capacity to shape an equitable future. Together, we encompass everything we need.

HueArts NYC
In partnership with Museum Hue and Hester Street, The Laundromat Project has released a new, comprehensive online platform for NYC arts entities of color called HueArts NYC. Through a user-friendly map, searchable online directory, and “brown paper” report, HueArts NYC aggregates information on arts entities created by and centering Black, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern, and other People of Color in New York City, to increase visibility and support for their work.

100 Years | 100 Women
The Laundromat Project was one of 10 commissioning partners to participate in Park Avenue Armory’s 100 Years | 100 Women initiative. Marking the centennial of the 19th amendment, which granted some women the right to vote in the US, the project invited artists to create original works across diverse media to explore the complexity of women’s suffrage, as well as themes such as citizenship, resistance, and healing.
The LP Initiatives
In addition to providing fellowships, residencies, and funding to artists in our community, we also host our own initiated projects.

Community Asset Mapping
The current community engagement efforts seek to establish new, rekindle old, and continue to build and sustain relationships within the Bed-Stuy and Central Brooklyn Community.

LP History in Bed-Stuy
Bedford-Stuyvesant (Bed-Stuy) is a neighborhood in Central Brooklyn, New York City. For decades, it has been a cultural center for Brooklyn’s Black population and was once considered “Brooklyn’s Little Harlem.”