Join us for a series of open studios from The Laundromat Project’s 2022 Artists-in-Residence! Ibi Ibrahim, Jamel Burgess, Cheryl Wing-Zi Wong, and Kendra J. Ross will share updates, process, and motivations for their projects embracing archival practices and community memory. Register to join each session individually.
Jamel Burgess and community members are producing Archiving East New York, an archive and accessible digital platform combining oral histories with multimedia elements to educate East New York residents and the general public about the Brooklyn neighborhood. The documentation and oral histories focus on Black and Brown residents from the community in the decades following the 1960s. The project emphasizes youth engagement by teaching about East New York, building community pride, and introducing youth to oral histories and community organizing. Archiving East New York explores the significance of representation to highlight counter narratives about communities of color in the neighborhood. Join us on Zoom to hear how Jamel is building his community archive. For those unable to join live, the session will be recorded.