2019 Create Change Fellow | 2020 Creative Action Fund Awardee
Meditation, writing
Artist Bio
Jessica Angima is a first-generation Kenyan American cultural producer and healing artist, working in the modality of meditation. In a constant state of process, she facilitates intimate community through the exploration of art, justice, and contemplative practice.
What artist, curator, activist or project has influenced or inspired you?
Most recently I have been watching the work of Recess Art, who create opportunities for artists to work in a public setting. I am inspired by the ways in which the organization reimagines how we can be in relation to each other. There is such a disparity in who is allowed access to creating a life in the arts, experiencing art, being a part of the process and witnessing. I see Recess working against this and creating a community in which we are all involved in the culture of creating art, regardless of training or background.
What place in your neighborhood is personally meaningful to you and why?
The felt experience of Bed-Stuy in late afternoon on a summer day – walking through Herbert Von King Park on my way home and deciding to stop for a moment, sit on a bench and read my book, when Tompkins Avenue closed to traffic for TAMA Summerfest, when the neighbors break out their fold-down chairs, sit in a circle on the sidewalk and blast their music, taking the time to walk rather than catching the train or calling a car, the evening light on a brownstone block.
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