angela abiodun

angela abiodun is a Brooklyn and Detroit based writer who loves hibiscus, mangosteen, and is presently obsessed with the daily routines of ladybugs. A recent graduate of Pratt Institute’s MFA in Creative Writing, their present body of work is a series of letters to the descendants of indigo dyers, particularly in the Black/African diaspora. Their chaplet Cobblestone Lined Walkways Expect Sprawling Grass Between Them (Belladonna* Collaborative, 2023) considers their body in relation to society and the natural world. Grounded in the pedagogical and philosophical educational considerations of Paulo Freire, Assata Shakur, and bell hooks, angela has been practicing their liberatory and expansive approach to education for 15 years through initiatives like The Young People’s Project, the Paulo Freire Project (via the University of KwaZulu-Natal’s Centre for Adult Education), and Trade School.

Email: [email protected]