Soul paintings mirror the true essence within each individual. Each soul has layers upon layers that rest within, mirroring multiple timelines of existence, and reflecting past lives. During the ceremony, the karmic cords and the shadows of the self are illuminated to be acknowledged and healed through the power of breath, meditation, and creative expression.
We will begin in a circle sitting down in lotus position. Palo Santo will be passed around to cleanse and bless our bodies. In the center of the circle will an altar which will enable us to hold space for one another, and as we journey within. The facilitator will lead the ceremony from the center. We will begin with a guided meditation focusing on our breathing and dropping within our bodies. The facilitator will open the space with a prayer of guidance, protection and love calling upon the ancestors, light beings, spirit guides, angels, spirit animals and the Great Spirit. We will rest in meditation for 10-15 minutes, at which point they begin the soul paintings on themselves. A mirror will be placed in front of each person. They will do only half of their face. After they complete half of their face they will get with a partner. First they will meditate with their backs supporting one another focusing on the breath. The purpose is to tune into the interconnected energy that resides within them both. Being mindful of their internal space as well as their partner’s internal space. After 5 min, they will turn to face one another and soul gaze. After 5 min partner A will complete the other half of partner B’s face. After partner B’s face is complete they will do the same for partner A. To close the space a guided meditation will begin and a closing gratitude prayer.
Heal the Man in order to Heal the Land explores how spirituality manifests itself out of the connections between internal experience and the material world. How can we connect with nature in a society that continues to give primacy to disposability and mass-consumption? How do we move away from a mindset of scarcity to one of collaboration? How can we be transformed from the egocentric “i” to the love supreme “I AM”? In this work, artist Tattfoo Tan uses participatory prompts, games and affirmations to engage you in the play of the universe. Let the process begin.
Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art (Buildings C & G)
General Admission: $10 | Students/Seniors: $8 | Snug Harbor Members: $5